
Welcome to RVbits.com

This website is developed and maintained by Jan Hanekom who is a South African RV owner and multiple RV builder.

The latest product added here is the brand new RV Wingtip light modules. Details on the Wingtip Lights page.

Products for sale to RV builders and owners are listed in the main menu.

There is also a Builder’s Tip section where you can read about tips that I have heard about or have found out about the hard way. Please share your tips by sending it to me in order to publish.

RV BITS is  officially representing Dynon Avionics  in South Africa. So if you need Avionics (South Africa), visit the Dynon Avionics site and let me know what you need.

Please note that see the following products are NOT available for overseas customers due to shipping difficulties.

  1. Intersection Fairings
  2. Interior Panels
  3. Engine Plenum Lids

Please follow this link for these products. International Webstore for products for sale by LST.